Thursday, June 21, 2007

Nerves going nuts...

It's Thursday afternoon and i'm getting ready to head to MN for RKC Level 2. I think my nerves are going crazy. I've tried my best to recover from Level 1 two weeks ago. Been doing lots of swings, TGU's and Bent Presses. I did some light jump roping and pull-ups yesterday. I've laid completely off today. My hands seem to be healed. I guess i'm as ready as it gets. I know tonight will be sleepless. I love this stuff...


hannah said...

Tim: You are incredibly talented as a personal trainer. I only wish I could have signed up with you sooner. But better later than never, I've heard.

The newsletter you began publishing in July (this year 2008) is very informative.

I am especially stoked because not only do I get to train under you, but then I also get your newsletter sent straight to my in box.

And now that I have found your blog, begun in 2007, I benefit from seeing your workouts and your daily thought tips. Cool, very cool.
I'm getting bonuses just training with you.

Please remind me...what is the RKC Level I & II? And what made an athlete like you nutty nervous?

Unknown said...


Thank you for you kind words.

The RKC stands for Russian Kettlebell Challenge. The RKC is the Preeminent Kettlebell instruction entity in the world. If you want to know kettlebells, you go to the RKC.