Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Same Me, New Year

My New Years Resolution was/is to train simple, train smart, stay healthy, and avoid pain. Seems like a solid idea. My wife is now reading my blog so I must make this resolution a reality! We'll see how that all shakes out... Anyway, Here's what I'm up to:

12/31/07 - Monday

Z health warm-up
TGU w/ 16kg
5/5, 5/5, 5/5
Snatches w/ 16kg
10 minutes - 100 reps, short rest, 60 reps

1/1/08 - Tuesday

Z health morning
Z health evening

1/2/08 - Wednesday

Z health warm-up
Dead Lifts w/ 225 lbs
3 reps x 5 sets
Side Press w/ 65 lbs on O-bar
3/3 reps x 5 sets
Light rebounding on mini tramp b/w sets

That's about it. Happy New Year.


Brett Jones said...

Simple, smart and pain free - a great plan. Take your time and enjoy the New Year - best to you and your family.

Unknown said...

Same to you my friend! Hope you have a great year!